Pelbagai kegunaan mineral Azomite seperti semua jenis tanaman, ternakan dan perikanan. Ia juga sebagai baja dan medium pembuatan baja. Kesemua artikel yang ada adalah rujukan dari untuk kemudahan rujukan para pelanggan. Berminat untuk membeli hubungi 0192272127. Belian boleh secara perkg atau perguni.

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Jualan Azomite guni dan pek kecil

Dapatkan mineral azomite diimport dari USA (mineral gunung berapi terbaik) sesuai untuk semua jenis tanaman, ternakan dan perikanan. mineral dalam bentuk serbuk sahaja dan dijual dalam bentuk guni 20kg  dan pek kecil 900g. Berminat hubungi/wasap 0192272127.

Baja gunung berapi azomite sesuai untuk pokok bunga, sayuran dll. Boleh layari (web dari Supplier USA).

Monday, March 25, 2013

Q & A about Azomite

What types of plants is AZOMITE® effective on?
AZOMITE® tests have reported positive results in many plant species
including: wine grapes, table  grapes, sugarcane, potatoes, rice, watermelon,
 tomatoes, melons, cantaloupes, onion, garlic, papaya,  lemons,
oranges, cocoa, coffee, mango, oaks, pines, peaches, chilies, berries,
eggplant, tobacco,  ornamentals, wheat, corn and many others.
AZOMITE® is uniquely capable of nourishing most  plant life as
it provides the trace elements that the native soil is often lacking. 

 How is AZOMITE® different from fertilizer?
Most conventional fertilizers contain mainly Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P)
 and Potassium (K), which are called macronutrients. Plants require
 macronutrients in large amounts. NPK are only  three of the 
essential nutrients required by plants. When choosing a  fertility
 program, growers often neglect trace minerals and focus primarily  on NPK.
 For plants to complete their life cycle and produce at full potential,
a wide range of trace minerals is necessary; AZOMITE® contains
a wide range, from A to Z. AZOMITE® is a natural inorganic
 substance and does not harm  the environment. AZOMITE® is 100% natural
 and OMRI-listed for use in organic production.

AZOMITE® supplies trace elements and some Potassium (K). and does
 not provide Nitrogen (N) or Phosphorus (P), therefore farmers
should not reduce any part of their fertility program that provides N or P.
Farmers can reduce other silicate-based fertilizers or micro-nutrient
 providers with AZOMITE® use but it is difficult to say how
much without a soil analysis. AZOMITE® use has shown increased yields
and improved disease resistance even in addition to a complete
 fertility program. Most farmers report  a more rapid rate of growth
 and increased yields within one harvest.
 Is the lead in AZOMITE® harmful?
No. The FDA and American Association of Feed Control Officials
establish strict guidelines for the amount of various natural contaminates
 that show up in all types of feed ingredients. At 6.2ppm,
 AZOMITE® falls well below the guidelines for allowed lead in natural feedstuffs.

Yes, but it is very different from the few glacial rock dust products on the market.
AZOMITE® isa mineralized, compacted volcanic ash in origin and is volcanic
 rather than glacial.

 Is AZOMITE® organic?
AZOMITE® is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in
organic production.Many fertilizers receive chemical alterations or go through
 an intensive manufacturing process. AZOMITE® is simply mined,
crushed and sold and is 100% natural in the most basic sense.Chemically, the
 term "organic" means that the minerals are bound to a carbon atom.
 As the minerals inAZOMITE® are oxides, not bound to carbon,
they are technically considered "inorganic".

 How is AZOMITE® applied to the soil?
Micronized AZOMITE® is processed into a fine powder that is around
minus 200 mesh and is the most available to plants. As it is a very
dusty product, it must be applied by hand or mixed with compost.
A coarser product, AZOMITE® Slow-Release, is also available
for soil use. It is  moderately dusty  and more affordable than the
Granulated AZOMITE®. Lastly, Granulated AZOMITE® is available for
easy soil application in a broadcast spreader. As long as AZOMITE® is
 in the root zone, the plant will  benefit. Most farmers apply AZOMITE®
directly to the soil at planting. Water will ensure that the roots are able to
 reach the trace elements.

Further information Click  

Products / Soil Amendments

AZOMITE® Minerals for Land and Soil

AZOMITE® trace minerals have been reported to improve root systems, yields and general plant vigor in a variety of applications; from field crops and orchards to lawn and garden use. AZOMITE® helps remineralize nutrient-depleted soils. 100% naturally derived, AZOMITE® is OMRI Listed for use in organic production and farming.
"Scientists have long recognized the fact that adequately nourished plants and animals are resistant to infectious diseases. There is a growing recognition that healthy plants may effectively resist insects. There is speculation that the nutrient-dense sap of healthy plants provides modest protection against freeze damage. Based on research studies, reporting higher trace element levels, we believe your plants will show trace element and nutrient improvement with AZOMITE® use."

--- AZOMITE Mineral Products, Inc.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Feed Additive Products / Cattle

Cattle and Livestock Use

While plant sources theoretically pass the soil's minerals on to the birds, fish and animals, minerals can be added directly to feed. Several university studies have reported significant improvements when AZOMITE® was added directly to the feed at 0.3% to 1% of the total feed mix. OMRI Listed for use in organic production and farming.

Feed Ration Guidelines

For livestock on a prepared feed diet, we generally recommend adding AZOMITE® at 1/2% (10 pounds per ton) of the total feed mix. A maximum of 2% (40 pounds per ton) may be added in accordance with good feed manufacturing or feeding practices. AZOMITE® can also be offered free choice.

Feed Additive Products / Poultry

Poultry Feed Use

AZOMITE® has shown numerous benefits to the poultry industry. Studies indicate using AZOMITE® in feed improves bird size, resistance to disease and greatly improves throughput in feed mills.
Accredited researchers report:
* Improved immune system functions
* Resistance to Clostridium Perfingens
* Improved feed conversions, size and yield
* Improvements in size and feed conversion using feed contaminated with various mycotoxins
* Improved pellet quality
* Improved flowability
* Improved eggshell strength and quality
While plant sources theoretically pass the soil's minerals on to the birds, fish and animals, adding minerals to feed increases the benefits directly. Several university studies have reported significant improvements by adding AZOMITE®'s naturally occuring trace minerals – OMRI Listed for use in organic production.

Feed Ration Guidelines

For poultry on a prepared feed diet, we generally recommend adding AZOMITE® at 1/2% (10 pounds per ton) of the total feed mix. A maximum of 2% (40 pounds per ton) may be added in accordance with good feed manufacturing or feeding practices. AZOMITE® can also be offered free choice.

Field Crops and Agriculture / Studies and Tests

Sugar Cane Trial

Field Crops and Agriculture / Studies and Tests

Rice Farm Indonesia

Test Field (left) used standard NPK fertilizer program with AZOMITE® added at 20 kg/Ha (18 lbs/Acre) and produced taller broader leaves with a deep green color. Control Field (right) relied solely on standard fertilizer only and produced shorter, thin, yellowish leaves with noticably less vigor.

Vegetable and Fruit Crop / Testimonial

Maple Rock Farm


Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 7:23 AM
Subject: AZOMITE® Testimonial
Here at Maple Rock Farm on Orcas Island in Washington State, we grow a wide variety of specialty organic produce, fruit and berries. We've been in business for six years and operate as a Community Supported Agriculture farm and we are suppliers to the best restaurants on the Island. We also do a vibrant business at our local farmers’ market. I began using AZOMITE® this year for the first time. I can honestly say that our plant health and yield quality is the best I've seen since we began growing and I can only attribute this to the use of AZOMITE®.
Another interesting point is that our fertilizer costs have gone down even though we are always expanding our production. I use an Earthway seeder to do most of our direct sowing. This year I purchased a side dresser fertilizer hopper that neatly fits onto the seeder. I simply fill the hopper with a mix of AZOMITE® and my other pelletized organic fertilizer and apply as I direct sow. This has worked really well. Since we are applying fertilizer directly in the root zone, our consumption has been greatly reduced thus saving us hundreds of dollars on fertilizer costs.
I can definitely see a difference in the beds that have had AZOMITE® applied them VS the ones that have been sown without. I will continue to use AZOMITE® and feel good that I am adding trace elements back to the soil that nourishes me both physically and financially,
John Steward
Maple Rock Farm
Orcas Island, WA